Cartes / Infographies

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Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 28 February 2017

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 14 March 2017)

OVERVIEW Clashes continue unabated along the contact line in all major hotspots. OHCHR reports some 129 casualties among civilians since the beginning of the year (as of 12 March). The highest record so far was in February,…


Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 31 January 2017

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 2 February 2017)

OVERVIEW Hostilities between parties to the conflict significantly intensified in January, undermining Minsk ceasefire agreements during New Year holidays. Mariupol and the so-called ‘Svitlodarsk Arc’ (Luhanske-Kalynivka) were major hot spots in the first weeks of January. From 29…

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