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Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine, Denise Brown, on the Escalation of Attacks in Southern Ukraine [EN/RU/UK]

English version

Russia’s indiscriminate attacks continue to impact civilians and civilian infrastructure across Ukraine. People in the south of the country, including the Kherson and Odesa regions, have endured a particularly harsh weekend, as strikes left many civilians,…

News and Press Release
OCHA, UN RC/HC Ukraine
14 Aug 2023
Téléchargement  + 2 more

Ukraine + 13 more

Ukraine Situation Flash Update #52 (8 August 2023)

RECENT HIGHLIGHTS UNHCR REFUGEE RESPONSE 2023 Against the backdrop of ongoing missile and drone attacks, UNHCR is delivering rapid life-saving humanitarian assistance to those located along existing frontlines in Ukraine, as well in newly accessible areas of the…


Treating the psychological wounds of war in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has created an immense need for mental health support for both adults and children suffering the long-lasting effects of violence. “It was almost my birthday when the war broke out,” said Anatoliy Andriyevsky,…

News and Press Release
4 Aug 2023

Ukraine + 4 more

ACLED Regional Overview Europe & Central Asia: July 2023

Armenia-Azerbaijan: Artsakh blockade reaches a breaking point Since Azerbaijan closed its checkpoint in the Lachin corridor on the border with Armenia following a shooting incident in mid-June, the humanitarian situation in Artsakh has gone from bad to…

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