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Ukraine + 4 more

Ukraine Crisis Response - Situation report #6, 14 April 2022

Situation Overview Food shortages in Ukraine are increasing in hotspots, caused by conflict-induced supply chain disruptions. Logistics challenges are also increasing as humanitarian actors scale up their responses. In a recent IMC MHPSS rapid assessment of the situation for…

Situation Report
World Vision
14 Apr 2022

Ukraine + 1 more

Collecting data and analysis on how the war in Ukraine is impacting women and girls

Despite the myriad challenges of collecting data in conflict, UN Women has been working tirelessly with partners to gather, analyse and disseminate data to illustrate the differential and disproportionate impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on…

News and Press Release
UN Women
14 Apr 2022


Report of the OSCE Moscow Mechanism’s mission of experts entitled ‘Report On Violations Of International Humanitarian And Human Rights Law, War Crimes And Crimes Against Humanity Committed In Ukraine Since 24 February 2022’

Moscow Mechanism experts report to OSCE Permanent Council on Ukraine The OSCE Moscow Mechanism mission of experts undertaken by Professor Wolfgang Benedek, Professor Veronika Bílková and Professor Marco Sassòli presented their findings to the OSCE Permanent Council…


Ukrainian Crisis - Situational Analysis (24 March 2022)

Executive Summary OHCHR have recorded more than 2,500 civilian casualties since the start of the military offensive on Ukraine, however the actual figure is likely to be considerably higher. Mariupol, Kharkiv and other urban centres have seen heavy use…


Ukrainian Crisis - Situational Analysis (06 April 2022)

Executive Summary Ukrainian forces have regained control of areas around Kyiv, with Russian consolidating their positions in the south and east. Nearly 300 people were buried in a mass grave near Kyiv, in the town of Bucha, with…

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