Cartes / Infographies

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Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 28 June 2016

(4 pages)

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine - Education Cluster Dashboard – 28 June 2016

The Ukraine Education Cluster works to support the authorities in ensuring access to education for children affected by the crisis. In light of the situation analysis and the needs identified, Cluster partners support education in emergencies…

UNICEF, Education Cluster
30 Jun 2016


Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 30 May 2016

4 pages

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 26 April 2016

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 26 March 2016

4 pages

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 26 February 2016

4 pages

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 15 March 2016)

Overview Though absent from front pages, fighting in Donbas intensified in February and early March triggering additional humanitarian concerns. Lives continued to be lost, houses and public infrastructure were damaged. The temporary closure of two checkpoints on…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Dashboard - January to December 2015

SITUATION OVERVIEW The situation along the “contact line” continues tense in many locations, with incidents reported mostly in Donetsk Airport, Horlivka, Kominternove. The United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) recorded 141 civilian casualties between…


Ukraine: 3W Operational Presence - as of 20 January 2016

4 pages

In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine countless volunteers, as well as many international humanitarian actors, including the United Nations system, national and international NGOs, and other international organizations, are engaged in the humanitarian relief…

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