
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

Mr. Ramesh Rajasingham, Director, Coordination division, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, on behalf of Mr. Martin Griffiths - Briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria (25 June 2024)

As delivered Thank you, Mr. President. Last week, the Muslim world marked Eid al-Adha. However, for people in Syria, celebrations were marred by the ongoing economic crisis in which already-high prices for food and other key items have…

News and Press Release
25 Jun 2024

Syrian Arab Republic

Conflict Deprives Children of Education in Northern Syrian IDP Camps

By Sonia Al Ali DLIB, Syria, Jun 18 2024 (IPS) - Twelve-year-old Walid Al-Hussein, displaced from the city of Kafranbel to a camp for internally displaced people (IDP) in northern Idlib on the border with Turkey, has…

News and Press Release
18 Jun 2024

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Situation Report - May 2024

Highlights WFP reached 1.1 million people across Syria, including via the first emergency food assistance distribution in government-controlled areas since the discontinuation of the General Food Assistance (GFA) programme in December 2023, amidst funding shortfalls. WFP started food…

Syrian Arab Republic

Winterization 2023-24 After Action Review Workshop Report, 29th May 2024

Introduction: Approximately 1.8 million internally displaced people reside in over 1,400 self-settled camps with minimal or no access to electricity, water, sanitation networks, livelihoods, and camp management. Of the camp's population, 80% are women and children who…

Shelter Cluster, UNHCR
11 Jun 2024

Syrian Arab Republic

Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - Expert Report Submitted by: Physicians for Human Rights [EN/AR/RU]

English version

Expert Report: Russia’s Attacks on Health Care in Syria Introduction This expert report is presented by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) to provide the U.N. Human Rights Committee with an expert view on widespread and systematic attacks against…

Syrian Arab Republic

North-west Syria Operational Update (March - April 2024)

Ongoing conflict, deteriorating socioeconomic conditions, and the aftermath of last year's earthquake have worsened the longstanding humanitarian crisis in north-west Syria. With 3.4 million displaced individuals and 4.2 million needing humanitarian aid, north-west Syria remains in…

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