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Syrian Arab Republic + 24 more

Security Council Report Monthly Forecast, December 2019

Overview The US has the presidency in December. It is planning a briefing on a new topic: the role of philanthropy in post-conflict situations, to be held under the broader agenda item “Maintenance of International Peace and…

Syrian Arab Republic

Special Envoy Calls Launch of Constitutional Committee for Syria ‘Historic Moment’, but Warns Security Council Conditions on Ground Must Improve

SECURITY COUNCIL 8674TH MEETING (PM) ‘This Dialogue Is, First and Foremost, One between Syrians’, Permanent Representative Says, Condemning External Interference Calling the launch of a Constitutional Committee for Syria a potentially historic moment, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria…

News and Press Release
22 Nov 2019

Syrian Arab Republic

Islamic Relief condemns horrific Idlib attack that killed at least 16 civilians

Islamic Relief’s Head of Middle East and North Africa Region, Najat Elhamri, said: “Last night’s attack on civilians is absolutely horrific. People were just finishing their Isha’a (night prayer) and getting ready for bed when a heavy…

News and Press Release
Islamic Relief
22 Nov 2019

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - Humanitarian Situation Report (October 2019)

Situation in Numbers 5,000,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 11,700,000 people in need 6,183,919 Internally displaced people (IDPs) 490,000 Children in need in hard-toreach areas Highlights • As a result of the escalation of the military operation led by Turkey in…

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Geneva Palais briefing note on children in Syria

This is a summary of what was said by Fran Equiza, UNICEF Representative in Syria – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva GENEVA, 21…

News and Press Release
21 Nov 2019

Syrian Arab Republic

Statement by Mark Cutts, Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, on the attack on a camp for displaced people in Qah, northwest Syria

Gaziantep, 21 November 2019 On 20 November missiles were fired into a crowded residential area in a displaced persons camp in Qah, Idleb governorate, in northwest Syria. According to early reports, the attack killed at least 12…

News and Press Release
21 Nov 2019

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria Arab Republic - Northwest Syria Snapshot - As of 20 November 2019

HUMANITARIAN UPDATE Hostilities continue to impact the civilian population, with an increase in airstrikes and ground shelling in southern Idleb, northern Hama, eastern Lattakia and western Aleppo governorates, resulting in civilian deaths and the destruction of civilian…

Syrian Arab Republic

IDP Camp and SAMS’ Qah Maternity Hospital Attacked. At Least 12 Civilians Killed.

Washington, D.C.- Today at 8:24 PM local time, two surface-to-surface missiles containing cluster munitions targeted Qah Camp in northern Idlib, one of the largest camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the area. The missiles exploded…

News and Press Release
20 Nov 2019

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