
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

CARE deeply concerned as the first COVID-19 case is reported in Syria

(Amman, March 24, 2020) — As the first case of coronavirus is confirmed in Syria, CARE is deeply concerned about the health and safety of over three million people in Northwest Syria, over half of whom…

News and Press Release
24 Mar 2020

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Country Brief, February 2020

In Numbers 4.3 m people assisted in February 2020 (based on dispatches) 55,644 mt of food assistance delivered US$ 2.4 m in cash-based transfers made US$ 184 m six-month net funding requirement (March – August 2020) Operational Updates • In February, WFP…

Syrian Arab Republic

Despite the ceasefire, massive humanitarian needs remain in northwestern Syria

The humanitarian crisis in northwestern Syria has largely disappeared from news headlines in recent weeks, yet people uprooted by recent fighting continue to face dire conditions. On March 5, 2020, the governments of Turkey and Russia…

News and Press Release
17 Mar 2020

Syrian Arab Republic

Northwest Syria: Situation Overview - 16 March 2020

NEW SITUATION OVERVIEW FROM NORTHWEST SYRIA SHOWS THAT LIVING CONDITIONS OF NEW ARRIVALS REMAIN DIRE The new REACH situation overview provides an update to the previous report published on February 27 2020. Both reports provide an outline…

Syrian Arab Republic

Idlib, Syria: Two schools a day damaged or abandoned during escalation in fighting

For all children to attend school, each functioning classroom in Idlib would need to accommodate 240 students Save the Children and partner Shafak bring school to children who have fled brutal violence by turning buses into mobile…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
16 Mar 2020

Syrian Arab Republic

UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Imran Riza, & Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Kevin Kennedy – Joint Statement condemning interference in Syrian Arab Red Crescent humanitarian work in Idleb [EN/AR]

English version

Damascus and Amman, 15 March 2020 The United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Mr. Imran Riza, and United Nations Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Mr. Kevin Kennedy, strongly condemn the interference of…

News and Press Release
OCHA, UN RC/HC Syria, UN RHC for the Syria Crisis
15 Mar 2020
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