
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Situation Report #7, July 2020

In Numbers 6.7 million people internally displaced 9.3 million people food insecure 2.2 million people at risk of food insecurity Highlights WFP dispatched assistance sufficient for 4.6 million people across all activities in Syria in July. The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases…

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Country Brief, July 2020

In Numbers 50,985 mt of food assistance delivered US$ 2.9 m in cash-based transfers made ,US$ 300 m 6-month net funding requirement (August 2020 – January 2021, as of 11 August 2020) 4.6 m people assisted in July 2020 (based…

Syrian Arab Republic

COVID-19 has drastically hit civilians and civil society in Syria

18 August 2020: In this article, our local peacebuilding expert* from Syria reflects on how the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Syria’s protracted civil war, and how local peacebuilders are adapting to new circumstances. The author is…

News and Press Release
Peace Direct
19 Aug 2020

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