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Syrian Arab Republic

Syrian Arab Republic: IDP Spontaneous Returns (July 2020)

In July 2020, the humanitarian community recorded about 32,000 spontaneous IDP return movements in different locations across Syria, marking about a seventy percent decrease in comparison to the previous month. than 25 thousand of these return…

Syrian Arab Republic

Syrian Arab Republic: IDP Movements (July 2020)

In July 2020, the humanitarian community tracked about 58,600 IDP movements across Syria, which is almost the same number of displacements with the previous month. The vast majority of the IDP movements were concentrated in northwest…

Syrian Arab Republic

North-West Syria – Shelter & NFI Emergency Overview (July 2020)

Displacement Updates in North-West Syria Some 2.7 million IDPs are living in north-west Syria, with more than 26,000 IDPs newly displaced in July 2020. According to HNAP’s Mobility and Needs Monitoring Factsheet, over half of the IDP population…

UNHCR, Shelter Cluster
3 Sep 2020

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Bread and Bakery Dashboard - Key Overview | Northwest Syria Bread and Bakery Assistance - Issue #2 Reporting Period: June 2020 (13 August 2020)

Situation Update • In June 2020, the bread programs by FSL partners have widen their coverage on distribution to reach beneficiaries across Idlib and Aleppo Governorates. • The number of organizations went up to 24 implementing partners reporting…

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