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Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Situation Report #7, July 2021

In Numbers 12.4 million people food insecure 1.3 million severely food insecure 6.8 million people internally displaced Highlights WFP dispatched humanitarian assistance sufficient for an estimated 4.9 million people across all activities in Syria in July. Food prices continued to decrease across…

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria mVAM Bulletin #57: July 2021

Situation Overview • The general security situation throughout Syria remained volatile in July. Intensified hostilities were reported in northwest Syria, with shelling largely concentrated in southern Idleb, northern Latakia and Aleppo, and western Hama. These attacks in…

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Country Brief, July 2021

In Numbers 41,213 mt of food assistance delivered US$ 1.8 m in cash-based transfers made US$ 444.8 m six-month net funding requirement (August 2021 – January 2022, as of 27 July 2021) 4.9 m people assisted in July 2021 (based…

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