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Syrian Arab Republic

Syria: UN continues cross-border humanitarian response amid COVID-19

The United Nations remains concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on people across Syria, whose health-care system has been decimated by almost a decade of war. Yesterday, the Syrian Ministry of Health announced that the total number…

News and Press Release
2 Jun 2020

Syrian Arab Republic

Humanitarian Update Syrian Arab Republic - Issue 11 | 30 May 2020

This report is produced by OCHA Syria in Damascus in collaboration with WHO Syria and Damascus-based humanitarian partners, and does not reflect cross-border operations. The next report will be issued on or around 6 June 2020. HIGHLIGHTS •…

Syrian Arab Republic

Recent Developments in Northwest Syria - Flash Update - As of 29 May 2020

HIGHLIGHTS A dire humanitarian situation persists in northwest Syria as short-term emergency needs are compounded by longer-term needs. The deteriorating economic situation, coupled with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, exacerbates preexisting humanitarian needs and creates new ones…

Syrian Arab Republic

WFP Syria Country Brief, April 2020

In Numbers 5 m people assisted in April 2020 (based on dispatches) 68,650 mt of food assistance delivered US$ 3m in cash-based transfers made US$ 283m six-months net funding requirement (May – October 2020) Operational Updates • In April, WFP delivered food…

Syrian Arab Republic

Syrian Arab Republic: COVID-19 Response Update No. 04 - 18 May 2020

58 total confirmed cases 19 Active cases 36 Recovered 3 Deaths Source: Syrian Ministry of Health (MoH) *MoH data does not include areas outside of GoS control This report is produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office for the…

Situation Report
20 May 2020

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