
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

More than 6,500 children forced to flee in northwest Syria every day for past week

UNICEF calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities to protect children and deliver unimpeded humanitarian assistance Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore NEW YORK, 1 February 2020 – “The crisis in northwest Syria is turning into a…

News and Press Release
1 Feb 2020

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria: one child dies each day during conflict escalations in Idlib

One child has been killed per day on average in Idlib during conflict escalations in 2019, Save the Children reveals today. The current ongoing escalation of violence in Idlib — which began in December 2019 — has…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
9 Jan 2020

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria Arab Republic - Northwest Syria Snapshot - As of 20 November 2019

HUMANITARIAN UPDATE Hostilities continue to impact the civilian population, with an increase in airstrikes and ground shelling in southern Idleb, northern Hama, eastern Lattakia and western Aleppo governorates, resulting in civilian deaths and the destruction of civilian…

Syrian Arab Republic

Save the Children supported health compound hit in Syria, seven people injured

A Save the Children supported health compound in Syria was hit by artillery shells on Thursday, injuring seven adults including a doctor on-site, and leaving one in critical condition. Around 60 patients, including children, were in the…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
3 Oct 2019

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