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Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka - Market Monitor - September 2023

KEY HIGHLIGHTS • Overall Headline Inflation (NCPI) has decreased from 2.1% to 0.8% in September 2023. • Food inflation remains below 0, dropping from -5.4% in August to -5.2% in September 2023. • Month-on-month change of NCPI contributed by…

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, September 2023

In Numbers 22,734.48 mt of food distributed US$13.2 million in cash and vouchers distributed US$19.67 million six-month (October-March 2023) net funding requirements 1,224,473 people assisted in September 2023 Operational Updates • Since the start of emergency operations in June 2022, WFP has…

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Situation Report, August and September 2023

In Numbers Over 2 million people have received WFP assistance in 2023. 3.9 million people are estimated to be moderately acute food-insecure (Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission 2023). Highlights In August, over 200,000 children under the age of 5…

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