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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Floods Situation Report #3

This Situation Report has been prepared by the OCHA Country Office in Sri Lanka. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - According to the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) and local authorities, as of 8 December 1200hrs, a total of 105,974 persons (26,825 families) were affected…

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Flood assistance in Kilinochchi

by Ganga Kariyawasam - IFRC, Senior Monitoring & Reporting Officer (RC PCRP) As the heavens open up heavy rains have been experienced in all parts of island since mid-November and forecasters say that this might continue until the beginning of…

News and Press Release
Sri Lanka Red Cross
5 Dec 2010

Sri Lanka + 1 more

U. S. Government announces $5 million assistance to 17,000 Sri Lankan families

Colombo, November 17, 2010: The Embassy of the United States and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are pleased to announce the handover of $5 million to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United…

News and Press Release
16 Nov 2010

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: WFP to assist IDPs, returnees

The Executive Board of World Food Programme (WFP) on November 11 approved the protracted relief and recovery operation (PRRO) for Sri Lanka entitled "Supporting Relief and Early Recovery in Former Conflict-Affected Areas" which is a US $ 39.8 mn…

News and Press Release
Govt. Sri Lanka
15 Nov 2010

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Floods Situation Report #2

This report was issued by OCHA Sri Lanka. It covers the period from 12 November to 13 November. This will be the final report for this emergency. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - The coordination and response to the flash floods is under…

Sri Lanka

COMMISSION DECISION of [...] on the financing of humanitarian actions in Sri Lanka from the general budget of the European Union (ECHO/LKA/BUD/2010/01000)

THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No.1257/96 of 20 June 1996 concerning humanitarian aid1 , and in particular Articles 2, 4 and Article 15(3)…

News and Press Release
6 Oct 2010

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #3, Fiscal Year (FY) 2010

BUREAU FOR DEMOCRACY, CONFLICT, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (DCHA) OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (OFDA) Note: The last fact sheet was dated May 5, 2010. KEY DEVELOPMENTS - On September 25, the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) announced that the Ministry of Resettlement…

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