
ReliefWeb results

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, June 2019

In Numbers Poor nutrition among women of reproductive age remains an issue in Sri Lanka, with 10 percent underweight and 45 percent overweight or obese. Meanwhile, 33 percent of pregnant and lactating women are anaemic. Sri Lanka ranks…

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Climate & Food Security Monitoring Bulletin (April - June 2019), Version 2

Department of Meteorology and Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Public Administration, Disaster Management and Rural Economic Affairs. The Department of Meteorology and Disaster Management Center, Ministry of Administration, Disaster Management and Rural Economic Development has been released Climate…

Situation Report
Govt. Sri Lanka, WFP, DMC Sri Lanka
16 Jul 2019

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, May 2019

In Numbers Poor nutrition among women of reproductive age remains an issue in Sri Lanka, with 10 percent underweight and 45 percent overweight or obese. Meanwhile, 33 percent of pregnant and lactating women are anaemic. Sri Lanka ranks…

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, April 2019

In Numbers 15 percent of children under age 5 have moderately acute malnourishment, rates of which have remained stagnant over the last 10 years. Sri Lanka ranks 2 nd of 176 countries prone to climate shocks (Global Climate…

Sri Lanka + 2 more

Fear haunts refugees in Sri Lanka in wake of attacks

By Caroline Gluck UNHCR is working closely with authorities to find solutions for around 1,000 refugees forced to leave their homes after the April 21 bombings. Thirteen-year-old Bariea, a Pakistani asylum seeker in Sri Lanka, is taking shelter…

News and Press Release
30 May 2019

Sri Lanka

GIEWS Country Brief: Sri Lanka 27-May-2019

FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT Production of 2019 paddy crop forecast at bumper level Cereal import requirements in 2019 expected to decline for second consecutive year Prices of rice declined since beginning of 2019, while prices of wheat stable Food security conditions…

News and Press Release
27 May 2019

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, March 2019

In Numbers 15 percent of children under age 5 have moderately acute malnourishment, rates of which have remained stagnant over the last 10 years. Sri Lanka ranks 2nd of 176 countries prone to climate shocks (Global Climate Risk…

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