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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s Uprising Forces Out a President but Leaves System in Crisis

By Alan Keenan - Senior Consultant, Sri Lanka Crowds of ordinary Sri Lankans stormed the presidential residence on 9 July, compelling President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to flee the country. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Alan Keenan lays…

News and Press Release
18 Jul 2022

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka: Situation Report 15 July 2022

In Numbers 6.3 million people are food insecure. This is likely to deteriorate as the crisis unfolds. 6.7 million people are not consuming acceptable diets. 3.4 million people are planned to be targeted by WFP to receive emergency food,…

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka: Situation Report 6 July 2022

In Numbers 3 in 10 households (6.26 million people) are food insecure, of which 65,600 are severely food insecure 200,000 households are using emergency livelihood coping strategies 3 million people targeted by WFP to receive emergency food, nutrition, and…

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka: Situation Report 29 June 2022

Highlights • WFP has distributed 80 percent of the first 2,375 vouchers to pregnant women. WFP aims to reach 100 percent of targeted beneficiaries by the end of the week. • WFP and FAO began an in-country mission…

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka - Market Monitor - May 2022

KEY HIGHLIGHTS Overall inflation continued to increase to 45.3% in May from 33.8% in April. Food inflation increased to 58% compared with May 2021 and up by +10.7% from April 2022. Non-food inflation increased to 34.2% from 23.9%…

Sri Lanka

UN Business Guide: Humanitarian Needs and Priorities - Sri Lanka (June 2022)

OVERVIEW OF THE CRISIS Sri Lanka is experiencing a multidimensional crisis, compounded by food insecurity, threatened livelihoods, shortage of essential medical items and rising protection concerns. Sri Lanka is facing its worst economic crisis since independence. Concurrent challenges…

Manual and Guideline
29 Jun 2022

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, March 2022

In Numbers 45 percent of women of reproductive age group are overweight or obese; (Demographic and Health Survey, Sri Lanka, 2016). 33 percent of pregnant and nursing women are anaemic (WFP). Situation Updates • With Sri Lanka suffering a…

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