
ReliefWeb results

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka floods: Children’s futures washed away?

By Madhu Rathnayake, Save the Children’s Communications Officer in Sri Lanka The scene reminds me of Venice. But this is no holiday. The boat we’re travelling on is carrying us along lanes and roads which were once…

News and Press Release
Save the Children
26 May 2016

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, April 2016

Highlights Resettlement support: The Government has requested further assistance for the resettlement programme and livelihood support for 60,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) for 18 months, following successful WFP support in early 2016. Due to limited funding, there is…

Sri Lanka

Schools to be closed if severe weather continues

Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam today instructed authorities of all the regional and zonal education divisions to take the necessary decisions regarding closure of schools in their areas due to the prevailing adverse weather. Accordingly, principles of…

News and Press Release
Govt. Sri Lanka
17 May 2016

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