
ReliefWeb results

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Country Brief, May 2023

In Numbers 14,454.32 mt of food distributed US$7.4 million in cash and vouchers distributed US$22 million six-month (June-November 2023) net funding requirements 365,351 people assisted in May 2023 Situation Updates According to the Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) findings (May…

Sri Lanka

Economic Crisis and Household Food Security - Sri Lanka, 2022

SRI LANKA IN SUMMARY 54 percent of households experienced food insecurity (rCARI) 67 percent of households in the estate sector are food insecure; 53 and 43 percent respectively in rural and urban areas 70 percent of Samurdhi beneficiaries, 66…

Sri Lanka

Vigilant Measures to Combat Dengue Outbreak

Expert Committee Chairperson highlights the importance of spreading awareness and safeguarding against dengue transmission – Stresses State Minister Dr. Seetha Arambepola. During a meeting held yesterday (14) at the main auditorium of the Western Province Chief Secretariat,…

News and Press Release
Govt. Sri Lanka
16 Jun 2023

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka Situation Report, April and May 2023

In Numbers Over 2.5 million people have received WFP assistance since the start of the emergency response in June 2022. 3.9 million people are estimated to be moderately acute food-insecure (Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission findings 2023). Highlights Over…

Sri Lanka

Little Vishnu is ready to learn and thrive!

Pre-school meal programmes in Sri Lanka ensure young children’s continued access to education and nutrition amidst economic crisis 5-year-old Vishnu is happy to be back at his humble village preschool in Valachchenai, in the Eastern Province of…

News and Press Release
9 May 2023

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