
ReliefWeb results

Sri Lanka

ADB Approves $200 Million Loan to Mitigate Sri Lanka Food Crisis

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (30 August 2022) — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a $200 million emergency assistance loan for Sri Lanka, with funds repurposed from other ongoing ADB projects, to improve food security and protect the…

News and Press Release
30 Aug 2022

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka: Situation Report 29 August 2022

In Numbers 6.3 million people are food-insecure 6.7 million people are not consuming adequate diets 3.4 million people are being prioritized to receive assistance from WFP Highlights • WFP has now reached over 19,000 people with cash-based transfers (CBT) since commencing…

Sri Lanka

WFP Sri Lanka: Situation Report 19 August 2022

In Numbers 6.3 million people are food-insecure 6.7 million people are not consuming adequate diets 3.4 million people are prioritized to receive assistance from WFP Highlights • WFP started its cash-based transfers on 15 August. It has reached 1,944 beneficiaries of…

Sri Lanka

The World Bank's Emergency Response in Sri Lanka

The World Bank has moved quickly to help protect the people of Sri Lanka—particularly the poor and vulnerable—from the worst impacts of the economic crisis. The World Bank’s crisis response is repurposing funds from existing World Bank-financed…

News and Press Release
World Bank
17 Aug 2022

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Economic Crisis Puts Rights in Peril

Urgently Address Social Safety Net, Taxation, High-Level Corruption (New York) – Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is driving millions of people into poverty, jeopardizing their rights to health, education, and an adequate standard of living, Human Rights Watch…

News and Press Release
17 Aug 2022

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Emergency - Operation Update #1, DREF n° MDRLK014

A. SITUATION ANALYSIS Description of the crisis Sri Lanka is experiencing its worst economic crisis since its independence in 1948, which has deeply impacted the well-being of its population. Persistent fiscal deficits, a significant 2019 tax cut package,…

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