Cartes / Infographies

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Kenya Humanitarian Snapshot (October 2011)

Heavy rainfall in Kenya’s northern districts is impacting negatively on humanitarian response to drought victims, but has also improved access to water and pasture. Heavy rains have led to delays in food aid distribution in Wajir,…


Humanitarian Dashboard - Somalia 4 November 2011

SITUATION OVERVIEW First declaration of famine: 20 July 2011. Many parts of Somalia receiving heavy rains in past few weeks, with floods in Gedo and Mogadishu. In Lower Juba, rains have made roads impassable. Outlook: Situation deteriorating with all…


South Somalia - Sustained Water Interventions, Currently Reached and Funded Beneficiaries - October 2011

Note: Map in 2 Pages Temporary water interventions include: HHWT - disinfection HHWT O&M including chlorination O&M without chlorination Water access by voucher Water trucking Berkad NEW Berkad REHAB Borehole NEW Borehole REHAB HHWT - filters Jerry can distribution Rainwater catchment - Dam/Water Pan NEW Rainwater…

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