Cartes / Infographies

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Kotido Drought Bulletin August 2012

SITUATIONAL OVERVIEW Generally the early warning stage is Normal and there are chances of near normal rain in September. More attention is required to crop sector since it has been affected with pest, floods along the low…


Abim Drought Bulletin August 2012

SITUATIONAL OVERVIEW The early warning stage is in ALERT state. This is mainly because of Livestock, Crop and Livelihood sectors that require close attention of all stakeholders and community as a whole. This condition is expected to…

South Sudan

South Sudan: Humanitarian funding update (31 August 2012)

Humanitarian partners appeal for US$1.16 billion to meet emergency needs in South Sudan. At the beginning of the year, humanitarian partners appealed for $776 million for South Sudan. Funding needs have increased significantly, due to worsening food…

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