Cartes / Infographies

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Somalia: Humanitarian Funding Snapshot (as of 31 August 2013)

Somalia Consolidated Apeal 2013 - 2015 The revised Somalia Consolidated Appeal (CAP) 2013 had as of 31 August 2013 received US$418.64 million (36 per cent) of the requested $1.15 billion. This includes $29.28 million carryover from 2012. The…


Somalia: Humanitarian Funding Snapshot (as of 31 July 2013)

Somalia CAP 2013 - 2015 The 2013-2015 Somalia Consolidated Appeal (CAP) mid-year review is requesting US$1.15 billion for 2013, a reduction by 13 per cent ($179 million) from the original appeal of $1.33 billion. The review took into…


Kenya: Wajir Conflict Snapshot (as of 14 August 2013)

The inter-communal conflict which escalated two months ago in Mandera has spread to neighbouring Wajir County and since June 2013 has resulted in six deaths. The Government of Kenya in collaboration with Kenya Red Cross Society and…

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