Cartes / Infographies

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South Sudan

South Sudan: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 13 March 2014)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Violence broke out in Juba on 15 December, and quickly spread to other locations. During the first six weeks of the crisis, Central Equatoria,Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile states saw heavy fighting between Government and…

Sudan + 1 more

Sudan: Humanitarian Dashboard (28 February 2014)

OVERVIEW A total of 6.1 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in Sudan. In 2013, the humanitarian situation deteriorated with more people displaced throughout the Darfur states, South and North Kordofan, and Blue Nile. As…

Mozambique + 4 more

Southern Africa: Weekly Report (4 to 10 March 2014)

Southern Africa: Risk of Flooding Southern Africa has been experiencing torrential rains since 1 March, which have been particularly affecting Swaziland, southern Mozambique, and north-east of South Africa. In Mozambique, the basins of Incomati, Limpopo and Umbeluzi have…

Ethiopia + 3 more

Ethiopia: Humanitarian Concern Areas Snapshot (for January 2014)

New water shortages were reported in drought-prone woredas of Oromia region in the third week of January. Other water-stressed woredas in the region are being closely monitored. Areas that received poor kiremt/karma (June-September 2013) rains in…

Namibia + 4 more

Southern Africa: Weekly Report (11 to 17 February 2014)

Namibia: A cholera outbreak has been reported in Katutura on the edge of Windhoek, including 11 suspected cholera cases, 3 confirmed cases and 1 death reported. The poor WASH conditions and open defecation is of concern. Katutura had…

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