
ReliefWeb results


Somalia Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) (August 2021)

INTRODUCTION The humanitarian response system in Somalia has mechanisms in place for rapid scale-up and sustained programming, including cash and voucher assistance (CVA). Despite the challenging context of COVID-19, 224.8 million United States Dollar (USD) was dispursed…

South Sudan

South Sudan - Gogrial West County: IRNA Report - 12 October 2021

Situation overview Gogrial West County is the oldest and largest county in Greater Gogrial with an estimated 366,170 people in 9 payams. Gogrial west is one of the peaceful counties in Warrap state. Gogrial West is inhabited…

FAO, GOAL, OCHA, WFP, World Vision
12 Oct 2021


IOM Mozambique: Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment Round 5, Mozambique - Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Niassa, August 2021

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Multi-Sectorial Location Assessment (MSLA) report, which presents findings from the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Round 5 assessments, aims to enhance understanding of the extent of internal displacements and the…


Uganda – Info Sheet: Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (September 2021)

The month of September marked the beginning of SOND rainy season which was characterised by abnormal rains which triggered natural hazards in Uganda. Floods (Amolator-23,085, Dokolo-17,145, Kwania-10,650), heavy storms/Hailstorms (Yumbe-9,650, Kibaale-7,110, Koboko-5,000, Oyam-1,335) and landslides/Mudslides (Sironko-1,215 &…

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