
ReliefWeb results


Somalia: Baidoa IDP Settlement Assessment, April 2017

SUMMARY The Baidoa IDP settlement assessment report reflects the findings from a multi-cluster needs assessment of 168 IDP Settlements in Badioa. Data collection was conducted from 3rd April to 18th April 2017, through 639 household interviews, 168…

South Sudan + 1 more

Conflict and Tensions Between Communities Around Gendrassa and Yusif Batil Camps, Maban County - South Sudan Refugee Response, December 2016

South Sudan: Enhancing Peaceful Co-existence and Resilience in Maban County The ongoing displacement caused by internal Sudanese and South Sudanese conflicts has intensified population pressure on pre-existing limited resources in Maban County, Upper Nile State. The county…

South Sudan

DTM South Sudan: Abyei | Village Assessment Survey | Nov - Dec 2016

ABYEI OVERVIEW AND DISPLACEMENT DYNAMICS The Abyei Administrative Area (AAA) is a territory of 10,546 km2 bordering Sudan and South Sudan and disputed by the two countries. While the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement mandated a referendum to…

IOM, South Sudan Red Cross
31 Mar 2017


Rapid Field assessment report Antananarivo - Date: 15/03/2017

This report is written following a very quick (3 hours) assessment one displacement sites and sites of origin in Antananarivo, on 15 March approximately one week after Cyclone Enawo. Overview A rapid field assessment was made of one displacement…

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