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South Sudan

South Sudan Annual Report 2013 (MAASS001)

This report covers the period 01/JAN/2013 to 31/DEC/2013. Overview The IFRC office secured its status in South Sudan with the signing of a status agreement between IFRC and the Government of South Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and…

Rwanda + 2 more

Rwanda Food Security Outlook April 2014

Stressed food security outcomes observed during the peak of lean season Key Messages The Eastern Congo-Nile Highland Subsistance Farming and the Eastern Semi Arid and Eastern Agro-pastoral zones depleted their food stocks one month earlier than normal due…


Zimbabwe Food Security Outlook April 2014 to September 2014

The main harvest significantly improves food availability for poor households Key Messages Households are currently experiencing Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity. Most households have started consuming their current harvest in both the northern and southern areas…


Madagascar Remote Monitoring Report, April 2014

Harvests to temporarily alleviate food insecurity in southern Madagascar Key Messages The main rice harvest began in April, marking the end of the lean season in northern and central Madagascar. Due to average to above-average rainfall in most…


Uganda Food Security Outlook April 2014

Below-average April rainfall slows crop growth in the East and Northeast Key Messages: Below-average rainfall since March has exacerbated dry conditions across the eastern part of the country. Cotinued below average rainfall would likely retard crop performance in…


Zambia Food Security Outlook April 2014

Minimal food insecurity outcomes to prevail amid prospects of a good harvest Key Messages Food insecurity will remain at Minimal (IPC Phase 1) levels as the country has adequate staple food supplies and as farming households access own-produced…


Somalia Food Security Outlook April 2014 to September 2014

Food security to deteriorate in the South due to intensified conflict   Key Messages    Recently intensified conflict in the Shabelle Valley will likely result in reduced availability of agricultural labor opportunities followed by a below average…


Burundi Remote Monitoring Report, April 2014

Near-normal Season B harvest is expected to alleviate acute food insecurity Key Messages As the 2014 Season B progresses, beans and other crops are almost flowering. Heavy rainfall and hail has been recently damaged small numbers of farms,…


Djibouti Remote Monitoring Report, April 2014

Reduction in humanitarian assistance during June to September lean season expected to cause food consumption gaps Key Messages Food insecurity is anticipated to worsen for poor households in the Southeastern Borderside, Northwestern, and Obock pastoralists from May through…

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