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South Sudan

Peace slow to trickle down in South Sudan

By Faith Kasina| David Makul, 70 years old, always hoped his sunset years would be spent with his family at home, bringing up his seven children while his wife runs their business. Now forced to seek refuge in…

News and Press Release
27 May 2014


Long Term Planning Framework 2012-2015 Version 2

1. Who are we? The IFRC Sudan Country Office currently has a country representative, programme coordinator, communications delegate, finance development delegate, programme assistant, logistics/admin officer, accountant, account assistant, a driver and messenger. The office receives additional technical…


Kenya: Floods Emergency Appeal n° MDRKE025 Final Report

Period covered by this Final Report: 22 April to 31 December 2013. Appeal target (current): CHF 3,538,548. Appeal coverage: 37%; Appeal history: This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 22 April 2013 for CHF 3,538,548 for 6 months to…

Kenya + 1 more

Somalis are Scapegoats of Kenya's Counter-Terror Crackdown

Kenya: Somalis scapegoated in counter-terror crackdown Kenya’s Somali community is being scapegoated in a counter-terror operation which has seen thousands subjected to arbitrary arrest, harassment, extortion, ill-treatment, forcible relocation and expulsion, Amnesty International said today. In a new…

Zimbabwe + 13 more

Southern Africa Humanitarian Bulletin: Issue 15, May 2014

HIGHLIGHTS An estimated 383,261 people were affected by floods or storms and at least 117 people lost their lives during the 2013/2014 rainfall season. Tropical Cyclone Hellen, which impacted Mozambique, Comoros and Madagascar in late March, was one…


Darfur displaced have little faith in DRA Committees

DARFUR (26 May.) - The head of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), Dr Tijani Sese, on Sunday launched the formation of a Truth and Reconciliation Committee and a Justice Committee, as provided for in the Doha…

News and Press Release
Radio Dabanga
26 May 2014

South Sudan

South Sudan Army Denies it Assaulted, Detained UN Staff

Mugume Davis Rwakaringi JUBA — The South Sudan army on Monday denied its soldiers were involved in recent alleged attacks against United Nations employees in Juba, and rejected accusations that it is blocking the movement of U.N.…

News and Press Release
26 May 2014

South Sudan

FAO representative hails farming, stresses development in Warrap

26 May 2014 - Farming in Warrap State was “unique” despite many challenges it faced, the UN’s top agricultural representative in South Sudan said today in the capital Kuajok. Food and Agriculture (FAO) Country Representative Sud Lautze…

News and Press Release
26 May 2014

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