
ReliefWeb results


Zimbabwe Food Security Outlook, July to December 2014

Increased cereal availability contributes to stable household food security Key Messages Households are currently accessing adequate quantities of staple from own production and experiencing Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity outcomes. Minimal outcomes are expected to continue…


Rwanda Price Bulletin, July 2014

Beans are the most common staple commodities across all regions in Rwanda. Maize, cassava, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and bananas are also very important. Beans and Maize are cultivated generally in all districts of the Country,…

South Sudan

End Media Restrictions

Stop Harassment, Intimidation of Journalists; Limit National Security Service Powers (Juba) – South Sudan’s National Security Service (NSS) should stop seizing and shutting down newspapers as well as harassing, intimidating, and unlawfully detaining journalists, two leading human…

News and Press Release
Amnesty, HRW
1 Aug 2014


Uganda Food Security Outlook July 2014 to December 2014

In Karamoja, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) is expected through December Key Messages In Karamoja, the September/October harvest is expected to only be 20 to 30 percent of average. There will be minimal green consumption this year, and households…

Somalia + 9 more

East Africa Price Bulletin, July 2014

Staple Food Markets in East Africa: White maize is the main staple grain consumed in Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia. In Uganda, white maize is grown mainly as a commercial crop for export in the region. Imported…


Zambia Food Security Outlook July to December 2014

Maize and meal prices remain far above five-year average despite bumper harvest KEY MESSAGES Acute food insecurity outcomes are expected to remain at Minimal (IPC Phase 1) levels through December 2014. The maize harvest of 3.35 million MT,…

United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Remote Monitoring Update, July 2014

Low maize prices are anticipated as the government plans to sell stock KEY MESSAGES Harvests in the northern areas have started in July and are continuing in the South. Maize-producing areas in the South are supplying the maize-deficit…

Malawi + 5 more

Southern Africa Price Bulletin, July 2014

Most households in Southern Africa depend on maize as their main source of food and energy, given the high volumes and ease with which it is produced. Alternative food crops that are consumed as substitutes include…


Education Groups Welcome Zimbabwe's New Teachers Program

Jonga Kandemiiri WASHINGTON — Educationists in Zimbabwe have welcomed the Teacher Capacity Development Program that was launched in Harare yesterday by President Robert Mugabe. But they say they want to have a huge stake in the programme to avoid…

News and Press Release
1 Aug 2014

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