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South Sudan

Expressing Alarm over Deteriorating Situation in South Sudan, Security Council Presidential Statement Urges Warring Parties to Honour Peace Agreements

SC/11517 Security Council 7240th Meeting (AM) In a presidential statement issued today, the Security Council expressed grave alarm over the deteriorating situation in South Sudan and condemned the ongoing violence between warring factions, opposition groups and Government authorities. In a…

News and Press Release
9 Aug 2014


Eritrea: Ending the Exodus?

Africa Briefing N°100 Nairobi/Brussels, 8 August 2014 Eritrea’s youth exodus has significantly reduced the young nation’s human capital. While this has had advantages for the government – allowing the departure of those most dissatisfied and most likely to…

South Sudan + 1 more

South Sudan - Crisis Fact Sheet #51, Fiscal Year (FY) 2014

HIGHLIGHTS Six South Sudanese relief workers killed in Upper Nile State’s Maban County Flooding worsens living conditions in Bentiu town, Unity State U.N. barges departed Mangalla town, Central Equatoria State, on August 6 KEY DEVELOPMENTS The international community has condemned the…

South Sudan

What does flooding mean for displacement camps?

When I was in South Sudan last week, our team in Bentiu sent these photos of the floodwaters that have inundated the U.N. compound where 40,000 people are taking refuge from the conflict. They reported that…

News and Press Release
Mercy Corps
8 Aug 2014


Systematic attacks by the Janjaweed militias on Darfuri civilians

The failure to protect Farming is one of the most essential mean of securing livelihood for most of Darfuris in the rural areas. The farming season has just began in Darfur and the Janjaweed militias continued to…

News and Press Release
8 Aug 2014

South Sudan

WFP South Sudan Situation Report #38, 8 August 2014

Highlights WFP and UNHAS aid in extraction of more than 230 people from Maban. Working with UNMISS Force Protection, WFP and UNHAS aircraft extracted about 240 humanitarian workers on 6-7 August from Maban following recent fighting there.…

Ethiopia + 1 more

Ethiopia Situation Report #12, 8 August 2014

Highlights The Refugee Operation has a shortfall of US$42 million to cover needs until January 2015 (for the next six months). The food pipeline break will commence in September 2014. As of 5 August about 185,000 refugees had…

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