
ReliefWeb results


WFP Somalia Country Brief, July 2024

In Numbers 1.8 million people assisted in July. USD 13.6 million assistance delivered via cash-based transfers in July 3118 mt of in-kind food assistance distributed in July. USD 213 million net funding requirements across all activities for the next six…

Rwanda + 3 more

WFP Rwanda Country Brief, July 2024

In Numbers 149,911 people reached in July 2024 USD 713,917 cash-based transfers (CBT) distributed USD 13.1 million six months (August 2024 – January 2025) net funding requirements, representing 55 percent of total annual requirements 176 MT of food distributed Operational Updates Refugee…

Ethiopia + 4 more

WFP Ethiopia Country Brief, July 2024

In Numbers 3.9 million people assisted USD 1.4 million cash-based transfers provided 33,400 MT of food distributed USD 278 million six months (August 2024 - January 2025) net funding requirements Operational Updates Relief Support WFP provided food assistance to 1.7 million people…

Djibouti + 1 more

WFP Djibouti Country Brief, July 2024

In Numbers 41,505 people assisted in July 261.1 MT of in-kind food distributed USD 123,760 cash-based transfers USD 3.4 million net funding requirements (August 2024 - January 2025) Operational Updates One in four persons in the country is expected to experience acute…


Mozambique takes strides towards Early Warnings for All

Mozambique is playing a trailblazing role in a flagship global initiative to ensure that everyone is protected by early warnings of life-threatening weather-related hazards which are becoming more extreme because of climate change. At a ministerial-level ceremony…

News and Press Release
23 Aug 2024

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi Assistance Overview, August 2024

CONTEXT • Recurrent climatic shocks—primarily torrential rains and flooding—and disease outbreaks, including cholera, continue to generate displacement and exacerbate humanitarian needs across Burundi. During two consecutive rainy seasons from September 2023 to May 2024, El Niño-induced rainfall…

News and Press Release
22 Aug 2024

South Africa

SA’s Mpox disease under control, Cabinet

Cabinet has moved to reassure South Africans that the Mpox outbreak is under control. The disease has now been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and a Public…

News and Press Release
Govt. South Africa
22 Aug 2024

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