
ReliefWeb results

Kenya + 5 more

A Desperate Need for Water for Refugees in Turkana, Kenya

Reviving Water Systems for Refugees in Kenya Thanks to your faithful support of the ministry, this year Water Mission began a large-scale initiative to serve refugees in desperate need of reliable water in Kenya’s arid Turkana region.…

News and Press Release
Water Mission
17 Jul 2024

Kenya + 10 more

Eastern Africa Seasonal Monitor: Likelihood of Enhanced Rains & Flooding in North of the Region over July - September 2024

HIGHLIGHTS • Despite a delayed onset, the March-May long/Gu rains intensified from late March to early May leading to wetter-than-normal conditions over most of Kenya, south-central Somalia, southern-southeast and northeast Ethiopia, southeast South Sudan, and southern Burundi.…

Rwanda + 3 more

WFP Rwanda Country Brief, June 2024

In Numbers 148,712 people reached in June 2024 USD 720,311 cash-based transfers (CBT) distributed USD 13.4 million six months (July – December 2024) net funding requirements, representing 58 percent of total requirements 301.15 MT of food distributed Operational Updates • WFP provided…

South Sudan

UNMISS Brief on violence affecting civilians (January - March 2024)

Full report

Community-based militias take heavy toll on civilians across South Sudan JUBA– Widespread attacks against civilians persist across South Sudan, driven primarily by subnational armed violence involving community-based militias and/or civil defense groups, according to the latest quarterly…

17 Jul 2024
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