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Peru + 1 more

UNHCR Peru Midyear report (January to June 2022)

CONTEXT From January to June 2022, 14 bills of law have been presented in the Peruvian Congress related to human mobility. Of these, six are intended to amend the Migration Law (Legislative Decree No. 1350) on issues…


GIEWS Country Brief: Peru 06-September-2022

FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT 2022 paddy output forecast slightly above the average due to good yields attained in the first half of the year Cereal import requirement forecast at a slightly above-average level in 2022 Cereal prices well above their…

News and Press Release
6 Sep 2022

Peru + 1 more

Monitoreo de Protección Perú: Snapshot (Julio 2022)

Este Snapshot resume los principales hallazgos del Monitoreo de Protección realizado en Lima, Perú durante el mes de julio de 2022 como parte de la intervención humanitaria del Consejo Danés para Refugiados (DRC) y ENCUENTROS SJM…

Peru + 1 more

Protection Monitoring Peru: Snapshot (July 2022)

This snapshot summarizes the main findings of the Protection Monitoring conducted in Lima and Tacna, Peru in July 2022 as part of the humanitarian intervention of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and ENCUENTROS SJM in the…

Peru + 1 more

Peru Situation Report - August 2022

Situation In August, Peruvian President Castillo announced the implementation of a program called "Retorno a Su País”, with the purpose of expelling more easily, those foreigners who commit any illegal act in Peru or have a criminal…

Situation Report
31 Aug 2022

Peru + 1 more

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 29 August 2022

Official Severe Weather United States of America (update) On 29 August 2022, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (FEMA), provided information about the heavy rain in Mississippi, United States of America. The report indicated that in Ridgeland City, Hinds…

News and Press Release
30 Aug 2022


WFP Peru Country Brief, July 2022

IN NUMBERS USD 689,052 delivered as cash-based transfers USD 6.0 m six months (August 2022 – January 2023) net funding requirements, representing 43% of total 16,804 people assisted* in July 2022 *Preliminary figures Operational Updates • As part of its emergency…

Peru + 1 more

Línea de base de los problemas y necesidades de salud de las personas refugiadas y migrantes procedentes de Venezuela en Lima Metropolitana, marzo 2022

Resumen Introducción y objetivos: La población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela en el Perú constituye una población vulnerable cuyas necesidades de salud han sido progresivamente atendidas a nivel nacional, regional y local. Sin embargo, es posible que la…

Peru + 1 more

WFP Peru Country Brief, June 2022

In Numbers USD 91,099 of cash-based transfers made USD 8.5 m six months (July – December 2022) net funding requirements, representing 40% of total 2,255 people assisted* in June 2022 *Preliminary figures Operational Update As part of its new emergency operation, WFP…

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