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occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Situation Report on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip No.6

General Overview 1. The humanitarian situation continued to deteriorate as the Israeli military operation in Gaza entered its thirteenth day. The number of casualties increased, humanitarian aid workers were hit by fire and despite a temporary unilateral suspension of military…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Field Update on Gaza from the Humanitarian Coordinator 08 Jan 2009 as of 17:00

UNRWA suspends relief operations in the Gaza Strip until security can be guaranteed The Israeli military operation has entered its thirteenth day. Israeli air, sea and ground forces continue to surround Gazan populated areas while the Gaza and North Gaza…

Situation Report
8 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Gaza Crisis Jan 2009 - Initial Response Plan and Immediate Funding Needs

Humanitarian Country Team, occupied Palestinian territory 1. Situation The ongoing Israeli military operation and heavy bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which commenced on 27 December 2008, continues to compound an already grave humanitarian crisis. The ground incursion which began on 3 January 2009…

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

OPT: Assistance to Gaza

Australia will provide a further $5 million in humanitarian assistance to the people of the Gaza Strip, in response to the worsening conflict between Israel and Hamas. This assistance will be provided through United Nations agencies and international non-government organizations that…

News and Press Release
Govt. Australia
7 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Situation Report from the Humanitarian Coordinator 07 Jan 2009 as of 17:00

The Israeli military operation has entered its twelfth day, with the civilian population of Gaza continuing to bear the brunt of the violence. Israeli air, sea and ground forces continue to surround populated areas, with the Gaza and North…

Situation Report
7 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Situation Report on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip No.5

The following information is based on reports from member states, the UN Country Team for the occupied Palestinian territory, humanitarian partners and authorities involved in the humanitarian response. 1. General Overview 1. On the twelfth day of the Israeli operation in…

occupied Palestinian territory

TPO : Crise humanitaire dans la bande de Gaza: la coopération luxembourgeoise mobilise 500.000 euros pour soutenir le programme d'urgence mis en place par l'UNRWA

En réponse à la crise humanitaire majeure qui frappe la population civile dans la bande de Gaza, la coopération luxembourgeoise vient de décider de mobiliser 500.000 euros pour soutenir le programme d'urgence mis en place par l'UNRWA, l'Office de…

News and Press Release
Govt. Luxembourg
7 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

CWS emergency appeal: 2009 Gaza (OPT) humanitarian crisis

Appeal Number: # 6824 Appeal Amount: $100,000 SITUATION: Israel has announced plans to halt its military operations near Gaza city for three hours a day in order to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, Reuters Alertnet reports. (Hamas, meanwhile, has said it…

News and Press Release
7 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Situation Report on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip No.4

The following information is based on reports from member states, the UN Country Team for the occupied Palestinian territory, humanitarian partners and authorities involved in the humanitarian response. 1. General Overview 1. After ten days of military operations by the…

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