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occupied Palestinian territory

Palestine: Shelter Cluster Factsheet - March 2016

KEY FACTS West Bank/East Jerusalem During the first three months of 2016… 59 communities have been impacted by demolition, affecting 1,819 people. In 8 major incidents, most or all of the structures in the community were destroyed. The number of residential…

News and Press Release
NRC, Shelter Cluster
19 Apr 2016

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Situation Report 140, 12 April – 19 April 2016

12 April – 19 April | Issue 140 UNRWA Gaza organized a Colour Festival on 16 April in the courtyard of the Gaza Vocational Training Centre, to help address the psychosocial needs of UNRWA students through recreational…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Situation Report 139, 5 April – 12 April 2016

UNRWA started the distribution of its new and improved food baskets on 10 April. During the first two days of the distribution, over 6,300 families (almost 31,000 individuals) collected their food rations. In total during this…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza: Internally Displaced Persons April 2016 [EN/AR/HE]

English version

UN releases findings of major survey on internally displaced persons in the Gaza Strip: 75,000 still in need of homes Jerusalem, 11 April 2016 - Today, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Situation Report 138, 29 March – 5 April 2016

The UNRWA-supported social enterprise GGateway (Gaza Gateway) celebrated its launch event on 3 April in Gaza city. The event was attended by senior UNRWA staff including the Director of UNRWA Operations in Gaza, Mr. Bo Schack,…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Situation Report 137, 22 March – 29 March 2016

The UNRWA Gaza Rehabilitation Centre for Visually Impaired (RCVI) in March 2016 introduced tablet computers for 51 visually impaired RCVI students, and 166 students with low vision integrated in UNRWA schools, to increase their opportunities to…

Situation Report
31 Mar 2016

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