Cartes / Infographies

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occupied Palestinian territory

Shelter Cluster Palestine: Shelter Snapshot (As of 7th February 2024)

RESPONSE • 26 partners are actively providing assistance • Partial assistance means that although a household has received some SNFI items, not all their needs have been met • SOKs can be used to consolidate makeshift shelters or to…

Shelter Cluster, UNHCR
8 Feb 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Education under attack in the Gaza Strip, as of 30 January 2024

More than 625,000 students and close to 23,000 teachers in the Gaza Strip have been affected by school closures and attacks on education since 7 October 2023 with no access to education and a safe place.

Education Cluster, Save the Children, UNICEF
31 Jan 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Humanitarian Access North of Wadi Gaza (1-14 January 2024)

OVERVIEW The movement of humanitarian missions into areas where Israeli forces operate in Gaza is transparently coordinated with parties to the conflict to ensure safe passage. The first two weeks of January have witnessed a dramatic increase…

occupied Palestinian territory + 4 more

UCPM and EU humanitarian aid response to the situation in the Middle East - DG ECHO Daily Map | 11/01/2024

DG ECHO Response European Humanitarian Response Capacity (EHRC) 34 flights landed 1 486 tonnes of humanitarian relief items 1 500 logistics items to Egypt and Palestine EHRC stockpile mobilisation (WASH, shelter) More info UCPM Activations 13 flights organised by 5 countries with 1 510…

occupied Palestinian territory

Education under attack in the Gaza Strip, as of 8 January 2024

More than 625,000 students and 22,564 teachers in the Gaza Strip have been affected by school closures and attacks on education for THREE months with no access to education and a safe place.

Education Cluster, Save the Children, UNICEF
10 Jan 2024

occupied Palestinian territory + 4 more

UCPM and EU humanitarian aid response to the situation in the Middle East - DG ECHO Daily Map | 15/12/2023

DG ECHO Response European Humanitarian Response Capacity (EHRC) 28 flights landed 1 231 tonnes of humanitarian relief items 1 500 logistics items to Egypt and Palestine EHRC stockpile mobilisation (WASH, shelter) More info UCPM Activations 13 flights organised by 5 countries with 1 510…

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