
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

UNRWA update on the situation for Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza

Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza are at the front line of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They are among the 3.9 million individuals assisted by The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near…

News and Press Release
30 May 2002

occupied Palestinian territory

Palestine Red Crescent Society established field hospital in Gaza

4000 Palestinians stranded at Israeli Checkpoint in Gaza ?PRCS establishes Field Hospital On May 30 June 1, 2002, 4000 palestinians attempting to cross Abu Houli checkpoint between Gaza and Khan Younis were stopped from crossing for over 24 hours. Both…

News and Press Release
30 May 2002

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

OPT: Health Action Response Team (HART) News No. 5

HART NEWS Volume 1, No 5 Welcome to the fifth edition of HART News. As the situation continues to evolve, HART will continue to develop more tools to help inform coordination within the health community. We welcome any…

Situation Report
30 May 2002

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

UNICEF Humanitarian Action: OPT Donor Update 29 May 2002

UPDATE IN EDUCATION AND PSYCHO-SOCIAL COUNSELLING Over 330,000 children confined to their homes during Operation Defensive Shield. 500,000 children living in villages were unable to access health services during this period. For almost a month, 600,000 Palestinian children were…

Situation Report
29 May 2002

occupied Palestinian territory

Palestine Red Crescent Society: Annual Report (Appeal No. 01.68/2001)

This Annual Report is intended for reporting on the Federation's Annual Appeals only. Appeal No. 01.6812001 Appeal Target: CHF 2,769,413 Operational Developments The Palestinian uprising (intifada) that began in late September 2000 has had an enormous impact on all operations implemented by…

occupied Palestinian territory

Middle East: UN Envoy condemns latest suicide attack against Israeli civilians

The United Nations Special Envoy for the Middle East Peace Process has denounced the latest suicide bombing against Israeli civilians in Petah Tikva. "Such attacks can not be endured and must stop," Terje Roed-Larsen said in a statement released on Monday. While…

News and Press Release
UN News
28 May 2002

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Victims of closure

Fa'ida Najajrey, like any expectant mother around the world, was slightly nervous about giving birth. The 23 year old from Nahaleen, a small village to the west of Bethlehem, however had more reason than most to be concerned. The Israeli…

News and Press Release
Palestine Monitor
28 May 2002

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Norway gives NOK 10 million to UNRWA

Press release No.: 111/2002 Today Norway is donating NOK 10 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The money is to go to UNRWA's humanitarian assistance to refugees in the…

News and Press Release
Govt. Norway
28 May 2002

occupied Palestinian territory + 6 more

Middle East and North Africa: Annual Report (Appeal 01.64/2001)

Appeal Target: CHF 3,114,758 Operational Developments The seemingly interminable cycle of violence in Palestine and Israel, and UN sanctions in Iraq, were major causes for increased humanitarian concerns in this volatile region. The complex nature of the regional…

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