
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

Millions of dollars needed to make Gaza safe from unexploded bombs

The scale of the bombs dropped on Gaza since 7 October means that it will take millions of dollars, and many years, to decontaminate the Strip from unexploded munitions, the head of the UN Mine Action…

News and Press Release
UN News
3 Apr 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Civil society and civilians must be protected in “harrowing” Gaza conflict

DELIVERED BY Nada Al-Nashif, Deputy High Commissioner AT Opening of the 2024 Conference of civil society organisations working on the question of Palestine LOCATION Geneva Ambassador Cheikh Niang, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my honour to open the 2024 Conference of Civil Society Organisations…

News and Press Release
3 Apr 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Killing starving Palestinians and targeting aid trucks: A Deliberate Israeli policy to reinforce famine in the Gaza Strip, April 2024

New Report: Killing Starving Palestinians, Targeting Aid Trucks is a Deliberate Israeli Policy to Reinforce Famine in The Gaza Strip Palestinian Territory - A new Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor report titled “Killing starving Palestinians and targeting aid…

occupied Palestinian territory

Christian Aid vows to continue life-saving work in Gaza following aid worker deaths

Christian Aid’s Head of Middle East Policy & Advocacy, William Bell, said: “The devastating deaths of seven more aid workers, in addition to the numerous Palestinian aid workers and more than 32,000 civilian men, women and…

News and Press Release
Christian Aid
3 Apr 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

La malnutrition chez les enfants de Gaza se propage à un « rythme record », un tiers des enfants de moins de deux ans souffrant de malnutrition aiguë dans l'enclave, a indiqué mercredi une agence des Nations Unies.

Cette nouvelle alerte du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) intervient dans un climat sécuritaire tendu avec la mort des sept membres de l’ONG World Central Kitchen. Selon l’agence onusienne basée à Rome. En raison de la guerre et…

News and Press Release
UN News
3 Apr 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Time is running out for international action to protect civilians and prevent atrocity crimes in Rafah, as UN Security Council resolution is ignored

RAMALLAH, 3 April 2024 - A week since the UN Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, and days since the International Court of Justice issued additional provisional measures in South Africa’s genocide case…

News and Press Release
ActionAid, Amnesty, DCA, DRC, Doctors Worldwide, FIDH, HI, IRC, MAP UK, NRC, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children
3 Apr 2024

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