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occupied Palestinian territory

On-the-record update on situation in Gaza, Palestine

Media update from the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) on the latest situation in Gaza, Thursday 23 May 2024. An update from Suze van Meegen, NRC’s head of operations in Gaza: “The city of Rafah is now comprised of…

News and Press Release
23 May 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Les opérations humanitaires à Gaza « proches de l’effondrement », selon le PAM

Alors que des milliers de familles continuent de fuir Rafah, se retrouvant avec peu de nourriture et d’eau potable, les opérations humanitaires à Gaza sont « proches de l’effondrement », a indiqué jeudi l’Agence alimentaire de…

News and Press Release
UN News
23 May 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Field Update: 13-19 May 2024

Date: 21 May 2024 [1] For more than seven consecutive months, Israel has persisted in conducting a genocidal military campaign against the Palestinian people in Gaza, resulting in the killing of over 35,000 Palestinians and leaving more…

News and Press Release
Al Haq, Al Mezan, PCHR
23 May 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

Comunicado Conjunto sobre la Crisis Humanitaria en Rafah, Franja de Gaza

Las organizaciones abajo firmantes nos unimos para expresar nuestra profunda preocupación ante la crítica situación en la ciudad de Rafah, en la Franja de Gaza. Durante semanas, venimos advirtiendo sobre las devastadoras consecuencias de una ofensiva militar…

News and Press Release
Acción contra el Hambre, IECAH, MSF, Save the Children
23 May 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

La desesperación crece en Gaza

La inseguridad alimentaria y el hambre son rampantes y alcanzan a prácticamente toda la población. El personal humanitario está listo para ayudar, pero los accesos siguen cerrados a la entrada de suministros vitales. En tanto, tres…

News and Press Release
UN News
23 May 2024

occupied Palestinian territory

WFP Palestine Emergency Response External Situation Report #21 (21 May 2024)

HIGHLIGHTS • Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip continue causing civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of infrastructure. The limited functionality of Kerem Shalom crossing and inaccessibility of Rafah have seriously hindered the entry and delivery of critical…

occupied Palestinian territory

More Than 1 Million Pounds of Aid Moved Into Gaza Via DOD's Temporary Pier

May 23, 2024 | By Joseph Clark, DOD News | U.S. forces have facilitated the transfer of more than 1 million pounds of humanitarian assistance into Gaza via the Defense Department's Joint Logistics, Over-the-Shore pier, a senior…

News and Press Release
Govt. USA
23 May 2024

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