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occupied Palestinian territory

CVA basic indicators for WB CWG partners

Purpose of the document This document provides WB CWG partners with guidance on the relevance and adoption of three indicators recommended in all Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programmes implemented. The WB CWG, established in March 2022, included…

Manual and Guideline
Acción contra el Hambre, ACTED, Première Urgence Internationale, OCHA
24 Aug 2022

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza - oPt Cash Working Group (CWG) Minutes of Meeting (24 Aug 2022)

Agenda: Introduction CWG Updates a. Emergency Cash Response Updates b. UVAT HELPLINE Support (UNOPS) Presentation of the “CVA Data Entry Launch in 5Ws Plus” by OCHA Information Management Team Presentation of “Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) Processes and Results” AOB

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza - oPt Cash Working Group (CWG) Minutes of Meeting (27 July 2022)

Agenda Introduction CWG Updates a. Follow-up meeting with MOSD with regards to PMTF Updated questionnaires and scoring – an updates b. Cash for Protection Training – a joint activity by Protection Cluster and the Gaza CWG. Presentation – Outcome of the Gaza "FSP…

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