Cartes / Infographies

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occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Reported impact snapshot | Gaza Strip, 12 June 2024 at 15:00

Disclaimer: Figures that are yet-to-be verified by the UN are attributed to their source. Casualty numbers have been provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH) or the Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza and the Israeli…

occupied Palestinian territory

Occupied Palestinian Territory: Road Damage Assessment, Gaza Strip - Imagery Analysis: 29 May 2024/Published: 14 June 2024/V1

UNOSAT Comprehensive Road Damage Assessment This map illustrates a satelliteimagery based comprehensive damage assessment to detect damage and affected roads across the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territory, based on an image collected on 29 May 2024. According to…

occupied Palestinian territory

Humanitarian Access Snapshot - Gaza Strip | 1-31 May 2024

2 pages

Access Overview Safe and unrestricted humanitarian access is essential for response efforts to serve the population in need of humanitarian assistance throughout the Gaza Strip. In May, numerous constraints continued to limit the ability of affected communities…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Reported impact snapshot | Gaza Strip, 9 June 2024 at 15:00

Disclaimer: Figures that are yet-to-be verified by the UN are attributed to their source. Casualty numbers have been provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH) or the Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza and the Israeli…

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