Cartes / Infographies

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occupied Palestinian territory

UNOSAT Gaza Strip Agricultural Damage Assessment - January 2024

This map illustrates satellite-detected changes in agricultural areas of the Gaza Strip resulting from the decline in the health and density of crops due to the ongoing conflict. UNOSAT conducted an analysis utilising satellite imagery collected…

occupied Palestinian territory

UNOSAT Gaza Strip Comprehensive Damage Assessment - January 2024

This map illustrates a satellite imagery-based comprehensive assessment of damage and destruction to structures within the area of interest in the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territory, based on images collected on 6 and 7 January 2024…

occupied Palestinian territory

Education under attack in the Gaza Strip, as of 30 January 2024

More than 625,000 students and close to 23,000 teachers in the Gaza Strip have been affected by school closures and attacks on education since 7 October 2023 with no access to education and a safe place.

Education Cluster, Save the Children, UNICEF
31 Jan 2024

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