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occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Reported impact snapshot | Gaza Strip, 9 June 2024 at 15:00

Disclaimer: Figures that are yet-to-be verified by the UN are attributed to their source. Casualty numbers have been provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH) or the Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza and the Israeli…

occupied Palestinian territory

UNOSAT Gaza Strip 7th Comprehensive Damage Assessment - May 2024

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This map illustrates a satellite imagery-based comprehensive assessment of damage and destruction to structures within the area of interest in the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territory, based on images collected on 3 May 2024 when compared…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: Humanitarian Fund Dashboard (May 2024)

During May 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 109 ongoing projects, totaling US$78.9 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (86 per cent) and…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: Humanitarian Fund Dashboard (April 2024)

During April 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 122 ongoing projects, totaling US$75.2 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (82 percent) and the…

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