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occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Logistics Cluster Gaza crisis consolidated situation report, 07 - 12 Feb 2009

CONTENTS 1. HIGHLIGHTS 2. BORDER CROSSING 3. LOGISTICS COORDINATION 4. CIVIL/MILITARY COORDINATION 1. HIGHLIGHTS - Since 25 January the Logistics Cluster has dispatched 3101 pallets of cargo to the Gaza Strip through Kerem Shalom border crossing, originating from West Bank, Egypt and Israel. The…

Situation Report
Logistics Cluster
12 Feb 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

occupied Palestinian territory: Gaza Situation Report No. 21

This report was issued by HQ. It covers the period from 6 - 12 February. The next report will be issued on or around 19 February. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - Continued violence leads to three deaths and at least…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: UNRWA lifts suspension of aid imports into Gaza

PRESS STATEMENT BY CHRISTOPHER GUNNESS UNRWA SPOKESPERSON The Hamas authorities in Gaza have returned to the UNRWA warehouses in Gaza City and Rafah all of the aid supplies confiscated on 03 and 05 February. UNRWA will now lift the suspension…

News and Press Release
9 Feb 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Logistics Cluster Gaza crisis consolidated situation report, 04 - 06 Feb 2009

1. HIGHLIGHT Since 25 January the Logistics Cluster has dispatched 1980 pallets of cargo to the Gaza Strip through Kerem Shalom border crossing, for 22 cluster members. The preliminary list of priority items for transport by the Logistics Cluster in to…

Situation Report
Logistics Cluster
6 Feb 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT/Gaza: Egyptian Red Crescent steps up humanitarian action

By Samar Al-Gamal in Cairo, Egypt Humanitarian needs in Gaza remain overwhelming, and the Red Cross Red Crescent is providing massive support to those affected. There are more than 60 volunteers and 16 members of the Egyptian Red Crescent Society…

News and Press Release
5 Feb 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

occupied Palestinian territory: Gaza Situation Report No. 20

This report was issued by HQ. It covers the period from 31 January to 5 February. The next report will be issued on or around 10 February. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - Continued violence led to at least two deaths and nine…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Gaza Strip health cluster weekly bulletin No. 2 - 04 Feb 2009

The Gaza Health Cluster Bulletin provides an overview of the health sector response to the Gaza crisis. HIGHLIGHTS - Flash Appeal for Gaza launched in Geneva on 2 February 2009 - Health Cluster compiling comprehensive report on health needs - Most health facilities…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Health situation in the Gaza Strip, 04 Feb 2009

OVERVIEW This is the 4 February update on the situation of the health sector situation since the outbreak of hostilities in the Gaza Strip on 27 December 2008. - 4 Feb, UNDSS(1) advised UN facilities in Gaza to remain closed and…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Commission decision on the financing of a global plan for humanitarian actions from the budget of the European Communities 2009 for the most vulnerable populations victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East

(ECHO/-ME/BUD/2009/01000) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No.1257/96 of 20 June 1996 concerning humanitarian aid1 , and in particular Articles 2 and 4 and Article…

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