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occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: The Humanitarian Monitor - June 2009

June Overview The Gaza blockade entered its third year this June. This blockade has been characterized by the UN's most senior humanitarian official, John Holmes, as a form of collective punishment on the entire Gazan population. The blockade was imposed…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report, 01 - 07 Jul 2009

LATEST DEVELOPMENT SINCE TUESDAY, 30 June 2009 - 8 July marked the five- year anniversary of the International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion, which found that Israel's construction of the Wall within the Occupied Palestinian Territory violated its obligations under international…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Atfaluna Newsletter - Jul 2009

Very Dear Friends and Supporters, No matter how many difficulties Atfaluna students faced throughout this year from the continuance closure and the last war over the Gaza Strip, Atfaluna School had been competent to finish their education for the year…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report, 24 - 30 Jun 2009

LATEST DEVELOPMENT SINCE TUESDAY, 30 JUNE 2009 - On 1 July, Israeli military forces shot and injured four Palestinians, including three children in an area south of Nablus City. All four were transported to the hospitals for medical treatment. (Nablus) West Bank Military…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report, 17 - 23 Jun 2009

West Bank Military activities affecting civilians This week, Israeli military activities resulted in relatively few casualties in the West Bank: two Palestinians were injured—one was physically assaulted at a checkpoint in Azzun Atma (Qalqiliya) and another was injured when hit with…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report, 10 - 16 Jun 2009

LATEST DEVELOPMENT SINCE TUESDAY, 16 June 2009 In a statement issued on 17 June, a group of 38 United Nations and non-governmental organizations expressed concern over Israel's ongoing blockade of the Gaza Strip, calling to attention the sanction's indiscriminate nature: it…

occupied Palestinian territory

UNICEF oPt Monthly Update, 15 Jun 2009

MAJOR ISSUES - As at end-May, only six truckloads of construction material had entered Gaza since "Cast Lead" destroyed homes, schools and critical infrastructure. Many families are using mud to rebuild homes. - According to Defense for Children International, around…

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