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occupied Palestinian territory

ACT Appeal: OPT - Follow on Appeal, Gaza and WB, Revision 1

Appeal Target: US$ 2,766,750 Balance Requested: US$ 448,671 Dear Colleagues, The Gaza blockade since 2006 is considered a denial of basic human rights in contravention of international law and amounts to collective punishment. The blockade severely restricts imports and…

occupied Palestinian territory + 13 more

Humanitarian Exchange Magazine No. 51 - Humanitarian action in the Middle East

The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange focuses on humanitarian action in the Middle East. As Abdul Haq Amiri emphasises in the lead article, recent political unrest has highlighted the need for humanitarians to engage…

27 Sep 2011

occupied Palestinian territory

Occupied Palestinian Territories - Few Improvements, Failing Hopes

The humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) continues unabatedly, with little sign of progress in the Palestinian peace process and lack of visible improvement in the daily lives of the Palestinian population trapped in…

occupied Palestinian territory

Emergency Appeal 38th Progress Report, January-December 2010

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2010 Emergency Appeal sought funding to address the needs of refugees in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Through this Appeal, UNRWA received US$162 million, which was directed to programmes in…

occupied Palestinian territory

Analysis: Donor aid boosts West Bank infrastructure despite impediments

RAMALLAH, 29 July 2011 (IRIN) - West Bank infrastructure projects have increased as a result of the Palestinian Authority's (PA) state-building efforts and increased donor funding, although significant barriers to implementation remain, report officials from Palestinian…

News and Press Release
29 Jul 2011

occupied Palestinian territory

Celebrating the Palestinian NGO Project: Helping those in need

June 2011 — The World Bank’s development agenda for the West Bank and Gaza has long recognized the importance of supporting non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as a way to help promote social inclusion and citizen participation. Since…

News and Press Release
World Bank
15 Jul 2011

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