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occupied Palestinian territory

Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza Emergency Daily Situation Update – 27 August 2014

Coordination/ Information Management/ GIS The Logistics Cluster Gaza Emergency Access Constraints Map (25 August) is available on the Logistics Cluster website: http://logcluster.org/map/gaza-access-constraints-25-august-14 From 26 –28 August, training for six staff members was held in preparation for the implementation…

Situation Report
WFP, Logistics Cluster
28 Aug 2014

occupied Palestinian territory

Qatar Charity's Multi-Sector Emergency Response in Gaza

Immediately following the start of the latest hostilities in the Gaza Strip, Qatar Charity initiated its provision of a variety of emergency relief and response interventions ranging from health, nutrition and shelter to water and sanitation. To…

News and Press Release
Qatar Charity
28 Aug 2014

occupied Palestinian territory

Palestine: External Situation Report #25 26/August/2014

Highlights WFP is facing critical funding shortfalls for its Gaza emergency response and requires approximately US$ 70 million – an official updated appeal will be send out in the next days. In response to the shortfalls WFP…

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Flash Appeal 2014 - Revised 26 August 2014

The violent conflict in the Gaza Strip that began on 8 July has caused immense human suffering and devastation. The numbers of civilian fatalities, injuries and displacements, and the destruction of homes and other civilian infrastructure,…

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