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occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

OPT: OCHA Weekly Briefing Notes 06 - 12 Oct 2004

Casualties Palestinians: Deaths: 30 Injured: 164 Israelis: Deaths: 0 Injured: 9 Internationals: Deaths: 1 Injured: 2 Sources: OCHA FCU, PRCS, UNRWA, IDF website, Israeli MoFA. 2. Incidents involving ambulances and medical teams West Bank Denial of…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

OCHA Humanitarian Update Occupied Palestinian Territories Aug 2004

Overview Among the main developments regarding the humanitarian situation in August were the effects of the Israeli operation "Forward Shield" in Beit Hanoun between 29 June to 5 August 2004. The operation was aimed at preventing rocket…

Situation Report
31 Aug 2004

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: OCHA Weekly Briefing Notes 27 July - 2 Aug 2005

Of note this week: Violence continued this week. Three Palestinians, including two minors, were killed – including one by Palestinian militant activity. During the week, 41 homemade rockets, mortar shells and anti tank missiles were fired from…

Situation Report
2 Aug 2004

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

OCHA Humanitarian Update Occupied Palestinian Territories Jul 2004

Overview Among the main developments affecting the humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territory in July were the deterioration of the situation in the Gaza Strip, especially around Beit Hanoun and the Rafah terminal crossing, and growing…

Situation Report
31 Jul 2004

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Palestine Red Crescent Society Appeal No. 01.86/2004 Programme Update No. 1

The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 181 countries. For more information: www.ifrc.org In…

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

Assistance to the Palestinian people - Report of the Secretary-General (A/59/121-E/2004/88)

A/59/121-E/2004/88 Distr.: General 29 June 2004 Original: English General Assembly Fifty-ninth session Item 40 (c) of the preliminary list* Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance Economic and Social Council Substantive session of 2004 New York,…

occupied Palestinian territory + 4 more

Aide humanitaire aux victimes de la crise en cours dans les territoires palestiniens, aux populations palestiniennes résidant au Liban et aux réfugiés d'Irak.

Lieu de l'opération: Moyen-Orient Montant de la décision: 28 millions d'euros Numéro de référence de la décision: ECHO/ME/BUD/2004/01000 Exposé des motifs 1 - Justification, besoins et population cible: 1.1. - Justification Territoires palestiniens (Cisjordanie et bande de Gaza) Depuis le début de la deuxième Intifada en…

Situation Report
13 May 2004

occupied Palestinian territory + 4 more

Humanitarian aid for the victims of the ongoing crisis in the Palestinian Territories, Palestinian populations in Lebanon, and refugees from Iraq.

Location of operation: Middle East Amount of decision: 28.000.000 euro Decision reference number: ECHO/-ME/BUD/2004/01000 Explanatory Memorandum 1 - Rationale, needs and target population: 1.1. - Rationale Palestinian Territories (the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) Since the beginning of the second Intifada in September 2000,…

Situation Report
13 May 2004

occupied Palestinian territory

Spain doubles its contribution to UNRWA's emergency appeal

Madrid, 25 April 2007. At a meeting with the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, Ms. Karen Koning AbuZayd on Tuesday 24 April, Spanish Foreign Minister Moratinos announced a 100% increase to UNRWA's…

News and Press Release
25 Apr 2004

occupied Palestinian territory

Japan's assistance to the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian territories

The Government of Japan has decided to implement, through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the following three projects totaling 2.125 million US dollars to help the Palestinian Authority (PA) reform and improve the living conditions in the Palestinian Territories.…

News and Press Release
Govt. Japan
17 Mar 2004

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