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occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Gaza logistics cluster flash news, 10 Jan 2009

CEASE FIRE: today's ceasefire will last from 13.00 to 16.00 hours (Source: Joint Humanitarian Coordination Centre -JHCC) Contacts: Bekim Mahmuti , Head of the Logistics Cluster Mail: bekim.mahmuti@wfp.org Mobile: +972 (0) 54 677 3112 Elena Rovaris, Global Logistics Cluster Support Cell Staff Mail: elena.rovaris@wfp.org Mobile: + 972 (0)…

News and Press Release
Logistics Cluster
10 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

TPO: Cruz Roja envía ayuda humanitaria a Gaza

El envío consta de 2.000 kits de higiene, 2.000 kits de cocina y 2.500 toldos plásticos. En total, 34 toneladas y 132 metros c=FAbicos. - Está fletado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) y cuenta…

News and Press Release
Cruz Roja Española
10 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Health situation in the Gaza Strip, 10 Jan 2009

OVERVIEW This is the 10 January update on the health sector situation since Israel launched its military offensive in Gaza on 27 December. - UNRWA announces resumption of staff movements. - Gaza European hospital and El Nasser Paediatrics hospital sustained damage due to…

Situation Report
10 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory + 1 more

OPT/Egypt: Gaza Humanitarian Crisis DREF Operation No. MDREG008

The International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) is a source of un-earmarked money created by the Federation in 1985 to ensure that immediate financial support is available for Red Cross and Red Crescent response to emergencies. The DREF is…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Logistics Cluster Gaza crisis consolidated situation report, 10 Jan 2009

1. HIGHLIGHTS - All crossing points closed today due to the Shabbat. - Cargo movement resumed today within the Gaza strip. - The Joint Humanitarian Coordination Centre (JHCC) informed that the ceasefire timing will be gradually increased. 2. BORDER CROSSING: - The JHCC informed…

Situation Report
Logistics Cluster
10 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

TPO: España envía dos aviones con ayuda humanitaria para Gaza

El cargamento consiste en 54 toneladas de ayuda de emergencia, concretamente kits higiénicos familiares, pañales, kits de cocina y mantas, suministrado todo ello por la AECID, Cruz Roja Española, Xunta de Galicia, Junta de Extremadura, Farmamundi y el Ayuntamiento de…

News and Press Release
9 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

80 toneladas de medicina, alimentos y agua serán enviadas el próximo domingo - Gobierno Bolivariano envía ayuda humanitaria a Palestina

Caracas, 08 de Enero de 2009. (Prensa MPPRE).- Como un gesto de solidaridad y ayuda humanitaria que caracteriza al Gobierno Bolivariano, el próximo domingo partirá hacia Palestina, el avión venezolano con las primeras 80 toneladas de medicina, alimentos y agua,…

News and Press Release
Govt. Venezuela
9 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: WFP appeals for rapid expansion of humanitarian access to Gaza

RAFAH - The Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Josette Sheeran, today expressed deepening concern about the severe breakdown of food supplies and distributions in Gaza, and said the agency would scale up its operations to…

News and Press Release
9 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

TPO: La solidaridad española empieza a llegar a Gaza

Mensajeros de la Paz envía urgentemente dos toneladas de medicamentos, material sanitario, alimentos, y ropa a Gaza para paliar la grave crisis humanitaria que vive la población. La Asociación Mensajeros de la Paz hará llegar a los territorios de la…

News and Press Release
Mens. Paz
9 Jan 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Breakdown of 08 Jan 2009 trucks crossing into Gaza

Please find below, as per latest information, the breakdown of the trucks crossing yesterday 8th January Total 89 between humanitarian and commercial. N. of trucks Organization Cargo Humanitarian 12 WFP Wheat flour + Oil 15 UNRWA Wheat flour 7 Jordanian donation to UNRWA food parcels 2 Shifa Medical Center Medecine 3 MoH Medicine 1 Red Crescent Medecine Total: 40 Commercial 7 n/a Canned…

News and Press Release
Logistics Cluster
9 Jan 2009

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