
ReliefWeb results

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Market Monitoring: Flash Update (10 Oct 2023)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The current estimated population of the Gaza Strip is 2.226 million, with 68% refugees and 32% nonrefugees. Approximately 1.243 million people, more than 50 percent of the population, are considered food insecure (FSS, 2023), with…

occupied Palestinian territory

Women-led organizations and women’s rights organizations role in humanitarian action in Palestine: Barriers and opportunities

This report assesses WLOs/WROs roles in humanitarian action and proposes action-oriented recommendations (aimed at informing UN Women’s approach and strategy) tailored to the specific context of the oPt to strengthen the participation and leadership of WLOs/WROs…

occupied Palestinian territory

oPt: MSNA 2022 Cross-Sectoral Findings, July 2022

Summary Decades of military occupation, recurrent escalations of violence, and intensifying tensions have created a complex political and humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). With limited access to opportunities for socio-economic development, an estimated 2.1…

occupied Palestinian territory

Key WASH Findings Factsheets MSNA 2022

Nearly all households in the West Bank (96.3%) reported employing any kind of coping mechanism in order to adapt to a lack of sufficient water for drinking or domestic purposes, with 66.7% of these households reporting…

22 Sep 2022

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