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occupied Palestinian territory

Case study on the utilization of the INEE minimum standards: Responding to an educational emergency in the occupied Palestinian territory

Case study author: Saeed Hersi, Education Officer Organisation: UNICEF (seconded from the Norwegian Refugee Council). Location: Northern region of the West Bank, occupied Palestinian territory Date of programme: 2006/07 school year Case Study Themes: Initial assessment and framing a response to educational crises; Coorindation of…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: A brief outline of the sewage infrastructure and public health risks in the Gaza Strip for the World Health Organisation

Authors: Fareed Ashour, Bashar Ashour, Marek Komarzynski, Yasser Nassar, Mary Kudla, Najla Shawa and Graham Henderson Introduction The siege and recent violent military invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israel has put additional pressure on the long standing undeveloped sewage infrastructure…

WASH Cluster, WHO
2 Apr 2009

occupied Palestinian territory

Gaza Strip: Initial health needs assessment - 16 February, 2009

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Gaza Strip has been the setting for a protracted political and socio-economic crisis. Recent events have resulted in a severe deterioration of the already precarious living conditions of the people in Gaza and have further eroded…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT/Gaza: Operation "Cast lead" - News control as a military objective

Palestinian journalists caught between Israeli firing and Hamas threats "Set against hundreds of casualties, including many civilians, the toll of violations of press freedom during operation 'Cast Lead' in Gaza, might appear small. But news was another casualty of this war.…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT/Gaza: Rapid emergency assessment

CHF International conducted an assessment covering Shelter; Infrastructure; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); and Livelihoods from January 20 through January 29. The assessment covered North Gaza, Gaza and Middle Gaza and was conducted by CHF social…

occupied Palestinian territory + 3 more

The European Commission and UNRWA: A partnership for development and humanity

(extract) The EC and UNRWA Since 2000, the EC has contributed over EUR 500 million towards the General Fund. In 2008 the EU contributions represented 62% of total regular budget contributions. A Partnership Overview The European Commission's contributions to UNRWA can be broken…

occupied Palestinian territory

OPT: Household economy assessment - West Bank and Gaza

1. Executive summary The purpose of this assessment was twofold. The first objective was to get a sense of the impact on household economic security of the financial restrictions imposed on the Palestinian Authority (PA) after the…

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